Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe | Nursery Rhymes App for Kids - Android, iPhone and iPad

Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe


Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe.
Get it done by half past two.
Half past two is much too late!
Get it done by half past eight.

Cobbler Cobbler, mend my shoe
Get it done by half past two.
Stitch it up and stitch it down
And I'll give you half a crown

Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe.
Get it done by half past two.
Half past two is much too late!
Get it done by half past eight.

Cobbler Cobbler, mend my shoe
Get it done by half past two.
Stitch it up and stitch it down
And I'll give you half a crown

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